Bilateral Meetings
- Tuesday (13:00 - 16:00)
Description- Najveća proizvodnja primarnoga aluminija u Jugoistočnoj Europi
- 160.000 MT/y;
- Dostupnost tekućega metala
- Najveća elektroliza u ovomu dijelu Europe;
- Mogućnost brze prilagodbe zahtjevima i potrebama;
- Interna infrastruktura;
- Opsežno osuvremenjeni tvornički pogoni
- Tehnologije: Hydro, Wagstaff, Outotec, Hertwich…;
- Know-how
- Visoki stupanj primjene u proizvodnim procesima;
- Energetska učinkovitost i zaštita okoliša;
- Pozitivne reference najvećih europskih kupaca
Glencore International AG;
- Kakvoća proizvoda u samomu svjetskom vrhu već 25 godina
- CILJ Uspostaviti proizvodnju završnih proizvoda, s dodanom vrijednošću;
- Povećanje proizvodnje tekućega metala – izgradnja nove elektrolize
istoga kapaciteta (130.000 tona);
- Recikliranje otpadnoga aluminija;
- Iznimno veliki potencijal proizvodnje energije iz zelenih izvora
The highest primary aluminum production in Southeast Europe 160,000 MT / y; - Liquid metal availability - The largest electrolysis in this part of Europe; - Possibility of rapid adaptation to requirements and needs; - Internal Infrastructure; - Extensively updated factory drives - Technologies: Hydro, Wagstaff, Outotec, Hertwich ...; - Know-how - High degree of application in production processes; - Energy efficiency and environmental protection; - References of the largest European buyers Glencore International AG; Impol; SAPA ...; - Quality of products in the world's top 25 years - OBJECTIVE Establish the production of finished products with added value; Increase in production of liquid metal - construction of new electrolysis of the same capacity (130,000 tons); - Recycling of waste aluminum; - An exceptionally large potential of energy production from green sources
The highest primary aluminum production in Southeast Europe 160,000 MT / y; - Liquid metal availability - The largest electrolysis in this part of Europe; - Possibility of rapid adaptation to requirements and needs; - Internal Infrastructure; - Extensively updated factory drives - Technologies: Hydro, Wagstaff, Outotec, Hertwich ...; - Know-how - High degree of application in production processes; - Energy efficiency and environmental protection; - References of the largest European buyers Glencore International AG; Impol; SAPA ...; - Quality of products in the world's top 25 years - OBJECTIVE Establish the production of finished products with added value; Increase in production of liquid metal - construction of new electrolysis of the same capacity (130,000 tons); - Recycling of waste aluminum; - An exceptionally large potential of energy production from green sources
Organization Type
CityMostar, Baćevići bb Google map
Areas of Activities