sevledina gondzo
Bilateral Meetings
- Tuesday (13:00 - 16:00)
Metal and Machinery
Construction and Construction Materials
Engineering, design and consulting
Metal and Machinery Construction and Construction Materials
The production in SeanTech Bosnia is organized with advanced CNC machinery; equlpment anda spare parts are designed and constructed based on specific technical requlrements of the customer. In addition to the construstion of new spare parts, SeanTech Bosnia pays particular attention to the repair of large spare parts, thus providing considerable savings to its customers. In the rich scale products, SeanTech Bosnia wants to emphaszle the production of spur gear with internal and external up to 2000 mm dia.conicalteeth made by Klingelnberg method, rack gears, worm gears, with relevant heat treatments department, chalns, axles and shafts, coupling, and other spare parts and mechanical structures.
- Manufacturing agreement