
Mirsad Mujabasic

Solar ing d.o.o.

Bilateral Meetings

  • Tuesday (13:00 - 16:00)

Founded in the early 1985, company has acquired remarkable knowledge and experience in the area of metal processing, including manifolds manufacture and some other parts that include welding, machining, cutting and deforming of carbon and stainless steel.

Main products: Blister packaging tools for pharmaceuticals and soaps; Stainless steel towel radiators; Various high quality products (personally designed and manufactured products as well as availability for manufacture of products made per order of our counterparts).


Organization Type producers, SMEs
CitySarajevo, Breka 90 Google map
Areas of Activities

Metal and Machinery


    Metal processing, manifolds manufacture, welding, machining, cutting, deforming

    Metal processing, including manifolds manufacture and some other parts that include welding, machining, cutting and deforming of carbon and stainless steel.

    Keywords: stainless steeltowel railsradiatormanifoldbracketconsolesarajevometal processingcnc machiningblister packaging
    Cooperation Offered
    1. Sales / Distribution
    2. Manufacturing agreement
    3. Outsourcing co-operation
    Cooperation Requested
    1. Manufacturing agreement
    2. License agreement

    Stainless steel towel radiators, brackets, consoles, blister packaging tools, etc.

    Offering manufacture of different parts custom-made or personally designed. Blister packaging tools for pharmaceuticals and soaps.

    Keywords: stainless steelinoxtowel railsradiatorblisterpackagingpharmaceuticalssoaps

    Deforming carbon and stainless steel

    Manufacture of different parts made of carbon and stainless steel

    Keywords: carbonstainless steelinoxbracketsconsolesradiators